VJ (Video Jockey)
DEFINITION (Noun: person)
VJs, or visual jockeys, are artists who specialize in creating live visuals to compliment musical performances.

Visual Sampling in VJ Culture
Exploring Emerging Technology's Impact on Ownership and Creativity in Immersive Multimedia Experience
Tara Morris
Research Proposal
One of the key aspects of VJ culture is the use of visual sampling, where VJs select and manipulate pre-existing visual media in real-time to create new compositions.
The rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate visual media have introduced new considerations related to ownership in VJ culture. NFTs allow creators to authenticate and sell digital works as unique, one-of-a-kind assets, giving them a new level of control over their creations and the potential to earn revenue from them. AI-generated visuals are created using algorithms and software that are widely available, and VJs do not need to seek permission or pay royalties to use them.
This research paper aims to explore the future of visual sampling in VJ culture and the impact of ownership on creativity in immersive multimedia experiences, drawing analogies to sampling in hip hop. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, the paper will provide an analysis of the current state of the VJ scene and offer insights into the direction that it is likely to take in the future.
Specifically, this study aims to:
1. Identify emerging trends and techniques in the use of NFTs and AI-generated images in VJ culture.
2. Examine the ways in which emerging technologies are shaping the future of visual sampling.
3. Analyze the creative possibilities and limitations of NFTs in VJ work
4. Analyze the creative possibilities and limitations of AI-generated images in VJ work.
5. Investigate the impact of ownership on creativity in VJ culture.
6. Explore connections between visual sampling and audio sampling in Hip Hop, at its conception and now with emerging technologies
Deliverables include:
1) Report summarizing the key findings and conclusions of the research, including an overview of the use of NFTs and AI-generated images in VJ culture as well as the creative possibilities and limitations of these technologies. Including:
Case studies of VJ projects that make use of NFTs and AI-generated images
Interviews with non-VJ visual artists and musicians regarding NFTs and AI-generated images in VJ work
Set of recommendations for VJs and other stakeholders in the VJ community about use of NFTs and AI-generated images in visual sampling, based on the findings of the research
2) Video series showcasing the work of VJs, including live performances and interviews with the artists.
3) Final concert featuring VJ work that incorporates the findings of the research, including the use of NFTs and AI-generated images in innovative and creative ways. This concert will provide an opportunity to showcase the work of VJs who have applied the findings of the research to their practice, and to gather additional audience feedback about the impact of these technologies on the overall performance.
Research will begin January 2023 and conclude August 2023. This is a jumping off point and the study may evolve overtime. Email taramoves@gmail.com with subject line "Visual Sampling Research" if you're interested in participating.